Humidity, Temperature, Carbon Dioxide, Pressure, Air, Flow, Level Measurement Devices
HUMIDITYThanks to many years of experience in sensor manufacturing and thin-film technology, humidity sensors stand for high quality and reliability.detail →
TEMPERATUREIt includes several product lines optimized for process control in HVAC and building automation as well as clean rooms, pharmaceutical and other industries.detail →
FLOWFlow measurement is needed in many areas such as process reliability, consistent product quality, environmental protection. Flow switches, flow meters and sensors meet this need extremely reliably.detail →
AIRE+E air velocity meters have fast response time as well as high accuracy even at very low air velocity.detail →
LEVELExtremely reliable and long-term stability sensors for all types of liquid and solid level measurement.detail →
PRESSUREThese highly sensitive devices can be used for all non-flammable and non-aggressive gases.detail →
CARBONDIOXIDEE+E`s years of experience in sensors and thin-film technology ensure the highest quality non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 measurement.detail →

HUMIDITYThanks to many years of experience in sensor manufacturing and thin-film technology, humidity sensors stand for high quality and reliability.detail →
TEMPERATUREIt includes several product lines optimized for process control in HVAC and building automation as well as clean rooms, pharmaceutical and other industries.detail →
FLOWFlow measurement is needed in many areas such as process reliability, consistent product quality, environmental protection. Flow switches, flow meters and sensors meet this need extremely reliably.detail →
AIRE+E air velocity meters have fast response time as well as high accuracy even at very low air velocity.detail →
LEVELExtremely reliable and long-term stability sensors for all types of liquid and solid level measurement.detail →
PRESSUREThese highly sensitive devices can be used for all non-flammable and non-aggressive gases.detail →
CARBONDIOXIDEE+E`s years of experience in sensors and thin-film technology ensure the highest quality non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 measurement.detail →

HUMIDITYThanks to many years of experience in sensor manufacturing and thin-film technology, humidity sensors stand for high quality and reliability.detail →
TEMPERATUREIt includes several product lines optimized for process control in HVAC and building automation as well as clean rooms, pharmaceutical and other industries.detail →
FLOWFlow measurement is needed in many areas such as process reliability, consistent product quality, environmental protection. Flow switches, flow meters and sensors meet this need extremely reliably.detail →
AIRE+E air velocity meters have fast response time as well as high accuracy even at very low air velocity.detail →
LEVELExtremely reliable and long-term stability sensors for all types of liquid and solid level measurement.detail →
PRESSUREThese highly sensitive devices can be used for all non-flammable and non-aggressive gases.detail →
CARBONDIOXIDEE+E`s years of experience in sensors and thin-film technology ensure the highest quality non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) CO2 measurement.detail →